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Image by Erol Ahmed
Image by Erol Ahmed

Our Founders


Melissa Rodriguez
& Brandi Tuck

Seeds of Love Ministry, Inc.

Our founders, Melissa Rodriguez and Brandi Tuck, are no strangers to hardships.

Melissa was a teenage mother who experienced homelessness during her pregnancy. She often went days without food and barely had clothes to wear. Through the grace of God, generosity of others, and reconnecting with her mother, she graduated from high school and joined the military a year later. Although these earlier years were challenging as a single parent in the military, there were strangers along the way who helped her with food and toys during the holidays. She has since made it her life’s mission to return the blessings to others in need. 


Brandi battled with loneliness and self-esteem issues as a child which led to her seeking attention in harmful ways during her teenage years. She suffered abusive relationships and first became pregnant at the age of 19 as a result of these issues. As a single mother attempting to work, attend college, and raise her child, she struggled to make ends meet. Through support of family members, she overcame many of her obstacles and today shares her time, talents, treasures, and testimony to encourage and bless others.


Seeds of Love Ministry was formed in 2018, following a vision our founders received of God pouring out seed from His hands, and became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2021.

“Seeds of Love is truly a perfect name for their ministry, their genuine compassion and love for those that they serve is evident in every encounter. We have partnered with Seeds of Love since their inception, this partnership has blessed us with the opportunity to learn from them the importance of a hand up to those in need to restore dignity and pride. In addition, it has allowed us to be firsthand witnesses to their unending efforts to further the kingdom of God.”

– William Darnell, Founder of Saved 2 Serve


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